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Furkan Alkilic received his master’s degree in Corporate Law cum laude from Leiden University in 2020. He wrote his thesis on the potential loopholes in the then-to-be-introduced Law on Management and Supervision of Legal Persons, in particular for foundations operating in the semi-public sector.

In addition to his law studies, Furkan Alkilic also completed business administration and the master’s degree in Strategic Management at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University in Rotterdam. He also successfully participated in the interdisciplinary Erasmus Honors Program.

After his studies, Furkan gained several years of experience as a (legal) policy officer at various social organizations.

Position and facts

Furkan joined LVH Advocaten in September 2023, was sworn in as a lawyer in December 2023 and started professional training with the Dutch Bar Association in March 2024.

Furkan has a particular interest in corporate law and insolvency practice. At LVH Advocaten he is therefore widely employed within these areas of law.


The combination of his business administration and legal training and experience enables Furkan to have an eye for the strategy of the company when dealing with legal issues and to think along with the entrepreneur and his company on a broad level. Coming from an entrepreneurial family, Furkan speaks the language of the entrepreneur and can empathize well with situations in which clients find themselves. Clients receive effective advice from him that they can apply immediately.

Personal characteristics

Driven, focused and involved.


The importance of a scope review: avoid a financial noose

February 6, 2024|

Recently, the Hague Court of Appeal ruled that Booking.com must join the industry pension fund for the travel industry. The company opposed this because it sees itself as an Internet company. The financial consequences for Booking.com are huge: The parent company estimates that the ruling will lead to an additional cost of 405 million euros.

International trade: the Vienna Sales Convention

January 25, 2024|

There is constant trading between business parties. Products are bought and delivered to be used, processed or, for example, resold. More than once these trading relationships cross the border of the Netherlands or even Europe. To prevent all kinds of different legal rules from applying in these trading relationships, there is the UN Convention on the International Sales of Goods (CISG), or the Vienna Sales Convention ("the Convention"). This Convention provides rules for international sale of goods.

End of an addicted employee’s employment contract?

September 19, 2023|

Abuse of alcohol or drugs can lead to major problems in the workplace. Think of unsafe situations, dysfunction and regular and/or long-term disability. The employer sometimes wants to unilaterally terminate the employment contract in such a situation. What are the possibilities.

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