Lisa Kloot
Specialised in:
Employees and aviation
Call Lisa at:
+31(0)10 209 27 75 or +31 (0)6 83 44 03 65
Lisa Kloot studied Law at Erasmus University. Lisa then successfully completed the Master’s in Employment Law at Leiden University in 2017 and the Postgraduate Course in Employment Law (PALA) in 2024.
Lawyer at LVH
Since January 2019.
Function and facts
Lisa joined LVH Lawyers in January 2018. In January 2019, Lisa was sworn in and works at LVH Lawyers as a lawyer within the employment law practice. She also supports the corporate law practice.
Lisa has an affinity with dismissal issues, disability, reorganizations, employment conditions and co-determination. She also has experience with privacy law and aviation law. Lisa can advise employers and employees and – if necessary – assist them in proceedings.
Furthermore, Lisa works in the aviation practice. She assists companies operating in the aviation industry, advises airlines on national and European legislation and litigates on their behalf.
Employment Law and aviation law.
Lisa has a strong personality with a decisive and pragmatic way of working. Coming from an entrepreneurial family, she knows that rapid response and practical applicability in business services are of great importance. Clients therefore receive prompt and effective advice from her, which they can use further on.
Registration of legal areas
Pursuant to article 35b, paragraph 1, of the Regulation on the Legal Profession, Lisa has registered the following area of law in the register of areas of law of the Dutch Bar Association: employment law. This registration requires her to obtain ten training points in each registered area of law each calendar year in accordance with the standards of the Dutch Bar Association.
Personal characteristics
Analytic, involved, no-nonsense and integrity.
Memberships / extracurricular activities
- Member of ViZi network
- Member of ACE network
The importance of a scope review: avoid a financial noose
Recently, the Hague Court of Appeal ruled that must join the industry pension fund for the travel industry. The company opposed this because it sees itself as an Internet company. The financial consequences for are huge: The parent company estimates that the ruling will lead to an additional cost of 405 million euros.
International trade: the Vienna Sales Convention
There is constant trading between business parties. Products are bought and delivered to be used, processed or, for example, resold. More than once these trading relationships cross the border of the Netherlands or even Europe. To prevent all kinds of different legal rules from applying in these trading relationships, there is the UN Convention on the International Sales of Goods (CISG), or the Vienna Sales Convention ("the Convention"). This Convention provides rules for international sale of goods.
End of an addicted employee’s employment contract?
Abuse of alcohol or drugs can lead to major problems in the workplace. Think of unsafe situations, dysfunction and regular and/or long-term disability. The employer sometimes wants to unilaterally terminate the employment contract in such a situation. What are the possibilities.