Enterprise & Business
Commercial end-user contracts
Commercial contracts may also relate to the sale of products and/or services. In this category you have direct sales and indirect sales agreements.
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End of an addicted employee’s employment contract?
Abuse of alcohol or drugs can lead to major problems in the workplace. Think of unsafe situations, dysfunction and regular and/or long-term disability. The employer sometimes wants to unilaterally terminate the employment contract in such a situation. What are the possibilities.
Testing an employee for alcohol or drugs: allowed or not?
The AVG states that testing employees for substance use is not allowed. According to the Personal Data Authority, it is only permissible to have employees undergo alcohol and/or drug testing if there is a legal basis for doing so.
Dismissal of statutory director: reasonable grounds for dismissal?
The dismissal of a statutory director occupies a special position within labor law. For example, the protection against dismissal that a director under the articles of association has is designed differently from normal employees. It is no different in that there must be reasonable grounds for a legally valid dismissal. The absence of reasonable grounds can cost the employer dearly.