Enterprise & Business
Commercial end-user contracts
Commercial contracts may also relate to the sale of products and/or services. In this category you have direct sales and indirect sales agreements.
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How does rent protection work for tenants of medium business space when terminating the lease?
There are two different lease regimes for the lease of business space: lease for medium business space, such as stores and catering establishments (7:290 business space) and other business space (7:230a business space). This article discusses rent protection for tenants of middle business space, such as stores, catering and crafts (7:290 business space) .
Tips and tricks for a cooperation agreement
Under the guise of "together you are strong," parties regularly enter into cooperation agreements. In this article, contract law attorney Gentia Niesert explains what a cooperation agreement is and provides some tips and tricks for drafting one.
How does rent protection work for tenants of medium-sized business premises upon termination of the lease?
This article discusses rent protection for tenants of middle business space, such as stores, catering and crafts (7:290 business space) . The rules that apply here assume a broad degree of protection for the tenant. This is because it is important for the tenant to be able to build up a business and generate income and goodwill.