Enterprise & Business
Commercial end-user contracts
Commercial contracts may also relate to the sale of products and/or services. In this category you have direct sales and indirect sales agreements.
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Bankruptcy Transfer of Undertaking Act (Wovof)
On 27 May 2024, the Transfer of Undertaking in Bankruptcy Act (Wovof) was submitted for consultation. All stakeholders will have the opportunity to respond to the bill until 22 July 2024. Thisis a follow-up to the earlier consultation in 2019. What is the purpose of this new legal regulation?
Deficiencies in participation
The Enterprise Chamber ruled in a case of a company takeover via a leveraged buyout that the management of the company had acted negligently (partly) due to defects in the co-determination process. The careless conduct was classified as mismanagement, because it violated the elementary principles of proper entrepreneurship.
Forfeited penalty payment can serve as a support claim
A creditor can proceed to file for the bankruptcy of a debtor. To do this, an application must be filed with the court. To do so successfully, hoForfeited penalty payment can serve as a support claim weaver, the creditor must make it plausible that the debtor is in a state of cessation of payments