About LVH

About LVH lawyers

We are a Rotterdam-based law firm with 14 lawyers and 10 practice support staff that focuses on legal services, in the broadest sense of the word, to SMEs, entrepreneurs and DGAs. Issues in the field of contracting, conflicts, mergers & acquisitions, personnel, government, real estate, liquidity problems and aviation, for example, are our daily work.

Thanks to their extensive experience in various industries and their broad professional knowledge, our lawyers can help entrepreneurs move forward. They know what is important to the entrepreneur and are focused on practical and above all pragmatic solutions. They gladly fulfill the role of “in-house lawyer”, a fixed and trusted contact for the company and the entrepreneur for all possible legal issues.

We encourage and facilitate our employees to invest a lot of time in building and developing relationships with our clients, to understand them even better and to be able to act and cooperate quickly and accurately when a legal issue arises. Accordingly, when recruiting and training our staff, much attention is paid to interpersonal skills that are indispensable for the role of “in-house counsel.” The fact that many clients have used our services for decades gives us confirmation that there is a clear need for this.

All assignments are subject to our general terms and conditions as filed with the court registry of the Rotterdam District Court; these include a limitation of liability.

LVH Lawyers is committed to satisfied clients. We strive to ensure that our lawyers and staff perform their work for our clients in an expert manner. If you feel that we have not succeeded in doing so, you can make use of our firm’s complaints procedure. To do so, please contact Peter Verheijden, 010-2092777 or verheijden@lvh-advocaten.nl.

The text of the office complaints procedure can be found below.

Office Complaints Regulation LVH Advocaten

LVH Advocaten processes personal data in the course of its activities. LVH Advocaten values your trust in its organisation and does everything in its power to protect your privacy. It has therefore designed its privacy statement in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

The fee charged to the client is calculated by multiplying the time spent on the case by the hourly rate of the lawyer handling the case.

Our current hourly rates are between € 200.00 and € 330.00 and depend on the experience of the lawyer handling the case. In special cases (e.g. because of the importance or urgency of the case) a higher hourly rate than usual can be agreed upon with the client. The rates are indexed, either annually or not. For office expenses, a surcharge of 6% will be applied to the fee.

If costs are incurred for court fees and/or the engagement of a bailiff, procurator litis or other third parties, these will be charged to the client.

In principle, a monthly settlement of the work performed takes place. In addition, new clients are invoiced on an advance basis.

If you prefer, we can discuss with you an alternative way of calculating the fee.

Leeman Verheijden Huntjens Advocaten B.V. is registered with the Chamber of Commerce in Rotterdam under number 24462228.

The VAT number of Leeman Verheijden Huntjens Advocaten B.V. is: NL00820977342B.01

The ACE network is the largest independent and intersectoral HR platform in the region, for employers, service providers and employees. At ACE, employers exchange employees, vacancies, knowledge and ideas with each other in order to keep people in sustainable employment and strengthen labor mobility in the region.

We continually invest in establishing and maintaining contacts with lawyers abroad and, as a result, have a worldwide network that we use for the benefit of clients who are or will be active internationally. It is important to know that we do not have a “paper” relationship with these foreign lawyers, but know them personally and often meet them several times a year. This puts us in a better position to organize and manage an optimal service for our clients abroad.


Curious about what we can do for your business?
Please contact us.