Peter de Graaf
Specialised in :
Companies in financial distress and Enterprise and business
Call Peter at:
+31(0)10 209 27 63 or +31 (0)6 22 96 94 15
2008: Erasmus University Rotterdam. Masters in Business Law and Law, major: private law.
2017: Grotius Academy. Specialization course in Insolvency Law.
2021: Erasmus University Rotterdam. Financial Economics for Insolvency Lawyers.
Lawyer at LVH
Since 2009.
Function and facts
Peter focuses on corporate law, with an emphasis on insolvency law. He is regularly appointed by the Rotterdam District Court as trustee in bankruptcy. Acts for his clients as an encyclopaedia of thorough knowledge, someone who keeps his promises and presents practical solutions.
Companies in financial distress and Enterprise and business
His knowledge and experience as a trustee enables him to quickly and effectively advise in cases where the continuity of a company is at stake and difficult decisions have to be made under time pressure. Peter also has the expertise to make an appropriate assessment of how a trustee will look at a matter, something that is highly appreciated by his clients.
Registration of legal areas
In accordance with Article 35b(1) of the Legal Profession Regulations Peter has registered the following legal areas in the register of legal areas of the Netherlands Bar: business law and insolvency law. According to the standards of the Netherlands Bar the registration obliges him to obtain ten training credits per year in each of the registered legal areas.
Personal characteristics
Empathic, patience and sincere.
Memberships / secondary activities
- Insolvency Lawyers Association (INSOLAD)
- Business Network Rijnmond
The letter of intent in a business takeover
A business takeover ultimately involves concluding a purchase agreement. A whole process precedes this. In the preliminary phase, it is possible to conclude a letter of intent. In this article, I will tell you more about this.
Directors’ liability after turboliquidation
In a recent court case concerning turboliquidation of a catering business, the court ruled that the directors were not personally liable. The case involved the discontinuation of the business without assets, with creditors being paid pro rata. The landlord claimed unlawfulness, but the court held that the turboliquidation had been carried out correctly with no obligation of bankruptcy.
Bill to lift pledge bans
On June 11, 2024, the House of Representatives adopted the Bill to Remove Pledge Prohibitions. As a result of the proposed regulation, it will no longer be possible to agree that receivables cannot be transferred or pledged. This article explains the proposed regulation.