Enterprise and business
If you take good care of your business, you can do business without worries.
Doing business means making appointments. Lots of appointments. With partners, staff, suppliers, customers, the government, etc. Good contracts are therefore a necessary part of a healthy business economy. Whether it concerns “internal” contracts, such as shareholder agreements and employment agreements, or “external” contracts, such as takeover and cooperation agreements. (Advice on) a good contract in which clear rules of play are laid down, makes it possible for the company to focus on the development of the company.
A good contract is clear as a tightly organised march route: who participates and under what conditions, what is the destination, what input is needed to achieve the goal, who makes the decisions, what happens if things go wrong along the way, who can intervene and what sanctions can be imposed.
Organising such a march route is a profession. Our profession.
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More about enterprise and business
The old-age pensioner (AOW): retaining or hiring?
The position of the old-age pensioner has changed with the introduction of the WWZ (Wet Werk en Zekerheid - Work and Security Act) on 1 July 2015, which means there is little to no employment protection for this employee. Subsequently, on 1 January 2016, the Wet Werken na de AOW-gerechtigde leeftijd (Working beyond AOW entitlement Act) came into effect. This act limits the obligations of the employer in the case of illness of an old-age pensioner.
Claim for damages against a truck manufacturers’ cartel
On 19 July 2016 the European Commission imposed the largest fine ever on European truck manufacturers. The manufacturers were part of a cartel. This is the case for the manufacturers MAN, Volvo/Renault, Daimler, Iveco and DAF.
Burden of proof for advertising fraud changed since 1 July 2016
Entrepreneurs regularly fall victim to advertising fraud. This involves misleading commercial practices. Certain (telephone) sales techniques are used to gain the entrepreneur's confidence and raise expectations. The objective is to have the entrepreneur enter into an agreement, after which the agreed performance is not or not properly delivered.