Rent and Real Estate
Investments in real estate and project development can generate good returns and are often also part of the provision for old age. The better you know how to arrange this “at the front end”, the more the intended goal will be achieved. LVH Lawyers advises on the purchase and sale of real estate, on commercial renting and leasing and on project development, and assists you in your relationship with other entrepreneurs and stakeholders, but also in your relationship with the government.
If you are dealing with a real estate transaction or project development that does not proceed as desired and expected, it is important to be well informed about your legal position in good time. Then you can make the right decisions. If a dispute does not lead to a solution, then your point of view must be put forward well and convincingly in court. That, too, is our profession.
In short: we can help you make responsible investments in real estate and optimise your returns.
More about Rent and Real Estate
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More about Rent and real estate
Medium-sized business premises or other business premises: what is the difference and how do you determine which is which?
There are two different rental regimes for commercial property: rental for medium-sized business premises, such as stores and catering establishments (7:290 business premises) and other business premises (7:230a business premises). The applicable rental regime is indicated by the section of the Dutch Civil Code that applies to that rental regime. Rent for medium-sized business premises is regulated in Section 7:290 of the Dutch Civil Code and is therefore also referred to as 7:290 business premises. Section 7:230a of the Dutch Civil Code regulates the rent for other business accommodation, the so-called 7:230a business accommodation.
Support agreement for and by the Dutch retail sector on rental obligations during the corona crisis
On Friday 10 April, an agreement was reached between the property and retail sectors on rent suspension for retailers due to the consequences of the corona crisis. Parties involved are IVBN, INretail, Vastgoed Belang, Detailhandel Nederland, EZK, NVB and VGO. The starting point is that the financial pain resulting from the corona crisis must be shared between retailers (and their shareholders), landlords, banks and the government. The support agreement provides guidelines for the short and long term.
Is it possible to stop paying the rent of business premises?
In recent weeks, Leeman Verheijden Huntjens Advocaten received many questions from both tenants and landlords of business premises about rent payment and other rights and obligations in these special times.