A proactive application of the rules of labour law has a positive effect on the result of your company.
As an entrepreneur, you take care of your people. After all, your employees are your company’s most important capital. They perform best when they feel connected and are proud to be part of your company. It is important that it is clear how things are arranged within the company, that creates trust. The relationships, rights and obligations of your employees must therefore be properly regulated and laid down. You can do this by means of clear employment contracts, employment conditions and other internal regulations.
If there are reasons to say goodbye to an employee, a lawyer can provide added value. After all, emotions often play a role. The efforts of an attorney at law can contribute to a good farewell. Of course, the focus of the dismissal is on the ultimate (financial) consequences, but attention is also paid to a smooth and professional settlement.
Labour law is constantly undergoing changes, so it is important to seek advice timely. We can assist you in various matters, such as the dissolution of an employment contract, immediate dismissal, advice on competition clauses and the (unilateral) amendment of employment conditions.
In addition, our lawyers have the necessary in-house knowledge regarding employee participation. For example, we can advise you on the establishment of a Works Council and we are happy to assist you with advisory processes with your Works Council.
We are happy to help you in the areas listed below and more.
More about employees:
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More about employees
How does rent protection work for tenants of medium-sized business premises upon termination of the lease?
This article discusses rent protection for tenants of middle business space, such as stores, catering and crafts (7:290 business space) . The rules that apply here assume a broad degree of protection for the tenant. This is because it is important for the tenant to be able to build up a business and generate income and goodwill.
Airline liability
What if a passenger suffers bodily injury? Liability in international air transport is regulated in particular by the Montreal Convention (hereinafter: the Convention). The Convention provides rules for European member states on when and for what type of damage airlines are liable. In doing so, the Convention covers both freight and passenger transport and distinguishes between different types of damage.
The future labour market
Minister Van Gennip (Social Affairs and Employment) sent a package of labour market measures to the Lower House on 3 April (Kamerbrief over voortgang uitwerking arbeidsmarktpakket | Kamerstuk | Rijksoverheid.nl). The Minister largely follows the so-called 'Borstlap Committee' and the SER Advice and gives an advance insight into what the labour market should look like (at the latest) in 2025, according to the Cabinet.