Mergers and takeovers2022-06-01T14:31:36+00:00

Enterprise & Business

Mergers and takeovers

A merger or takeover requires careful action from all parties involved. After all, the consequences for your company can be far-reaching. Not only the opportunities and financial risks are important, but also the legal structure and the emotions of your people. Things for the future must be properly arranged and unpleasant surprises must be avoided. It is therefore important to seek legal advice at an early stage in order to ensure a smooth and businesslike transaction.

We work throughout the entire process, from letter of intent to closing the deal, often together with your accountant, tax consultant or civil-law notary.

Our work in these processes is very diverse. You can think of support in drawing up the sales memorandum and structuring the transaction, carrying out a due diligence and analysis of legal risks, drawing up non-disclosure agreements, consultation with banks and other financiers, drawing up loan agreements, drawing up and assessing collateral contracts and guarantees, coordination with works councils, supervisory directors and shareholders, assessment of competition law and employee participation law aspects, drawing up and assessing takeover contracts, drawing up shareholder agreements and implementing amendments to the articles of association, implementing reorganisations necessary after the takeover (including in the area of personnel), support with (guarantee) claims following the transaction.

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