International legal business network of laywers
LVH Advocaten has a large international legal business network of lawyers has a wide network of lawyers to assist in matters covering other jurisdictions. This international business network of lawyers has been developed very carefully to ensure that you receive the same service as what you are used to.
This international legal business network of lawyers is very active and is expanding all the time, and as the lawyers generally know each other and have worked together, it means that lines are a lot shorter and more direct.
International Bar Association
International Bar Association (IBA).
LVH is a member of the IBA, the International Bar Association, a network of lawyers worldwide and a member of its practice groups.
Netherlands British Chamber of Commerce
LVH is a member of the Netherlands British Chamber of Commerce (NBCC), a network of companies that is active in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The NBCC is an interactive network where the NBCC can play an active role in bringing parties together. NBCC also arranges a wide variety of informative meetings which addresses the needs of the members and gives the opportunity for members to exchange information.
Please contact Peter Verheijden for further information.
More International:
These are our lawyers who are specialized in this area.
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Requirements for CO2 reduction in state aid to KLM?
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