

Our articles on this page discuss relevant issues and recent developments. If you are looking for a specific topic, please use the search function or filter.

Practical legal tips on the applicability of General Terms and Conditions of Trade

July 6, 2020|

Are you sometimes confronted with the situation where your business enterprise has contracted with another business and your business enterprise has sent an offer to the other party you’re your General Terms and Conditions and the other party has accepted your order by return stating that that their General Terms and Conditions apply? The question is which General Terms and Conditions apply here. This is what is called a “battle of forms”.

Reorganisation and dismissal in NOW scheme: what is allowed and what is not?

April 30, 2020|

In a recent article we discussed the Temporary Emergency Measure Bridging Employment (NOW). The subsidy from this scheme comes with obligations for employers. If these obligations are not (fully) met, a sanction may be imposed. This article looks at the question whether you can still lay off employees during the granting of the NOW subsidy and whether you can reorganise.

Pratical Legal Corona Tips: How can your business enterprise conduct its formal meetings that require physical presence by law or deed?

April 21, 2020|

Under the Dutch Civil Code (DCC), there are many requirements on how to convene certain general meetings of business enterprises. The one that causes the biggest obstacle is the fact that the DCC requires in some instances that such general meetings require the physical presence of the parties concerned. And this may not be possible or practicable during the period of the “intelligent” lock-down imposed by the Dutch Government.

Support agreement for and by the Dutch retail sector on rental obligations during the corona crisis

April 16, 2020|

On Friday 10 April, an agreement was reached between the property and retail sectors on rent suspension for retailers due to the consequences of the corona crisis. Parties involved are IVBN, INretail, Vastgoed Belang, Detailhandel Nederland, EZK, NVB and VGO. The starting point is that the financial pain resulting from the corona crisis must be shared between retailers (and their shareholders), landlords, banks and the government. The support agreement provides guidelines for the short and long term.

Annulment of guarantee legally valid?

April 3, 2020|

For some legal acts, one spouse needs the consent of the other spouse. In the absence of consent, the other spouse may annul the legal act. Under certain circumstances, this also applies to the provision of security deposits.

Corona SME helpdesk (for non-Dutch enterprises)

March 18, 2020|

The coronavirus cannot be ignored and many countries are taking huge measures that impact each and everyone of us. It affects how we do business, and affects how we have done business in the past.

Fiscal support measures during Corona crisis

March 18, 2020|

On the 17th March 2020, the Cabinet announced a large number of measures. These measures are aimed at supporting companies and freelancers. The measures include measures to maintain employment on the one hand and measures to ensure that companies do not go bankrupt and that self-employed people can maintain an income on the other hand.


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