

Our articles on this page discuss relevant issues and recent developments. If you are looking for a specific topic, please use the search function or filter.

End of an addicted employee’s employment contract?

September 19, 2023|

Abuse of alcohol or drugs can lead to major problems in the workplace. Think of unsafe situations, dysfunction and regular and/or long-term disability. The employer sometimes wants to unilaterally terminate the employment contract in such a situation. What are the possibilities.

Testing an employee for alcohol or drugs: allowed or not?

September 19, 2023|

The AVG states that testing employees for substance use is not allowed. According to the Personal Data Authority, it is only permissible to have employees undergo alcohol and/or drug testing if there is a legal basis for doing so.

Dismissal of statutory director: reasonable grounds for dismissal?

September 12, 2023|

The dismissal of a statutory director occupies a special position within labor law. For example, the protection against dismissal that a director under the articles of association has is designed differently from normal employees. It is no different in that there must be reasonable grounds for a legally valid dismissal. The absence of reasonable grounds can cost the employer dearly.

The importance of the notice of default

August 29, 2023|

Almost every entrepreneur has to deal with it at some point; a counterparty who does not fulfill his/her agreements. In this article Gentia Niesert, attorney at contract law, explains how you can act towards your counterparty in such a situation and what the importance of a notice of default can be.

Reopening liquidation after turboliquidation

August 15, 2023|

If the business activities of a legal entity are discontinued, it must be considered how the legal entity will be wound up. If there are no more assets at all, a turboliquidation can take place. This is dissolution without the appointment of a liquidator. The legal entity then ceases to exist immediately. A resolution for dissolution is passed and the board notifies the Commercial Register of the end of the legal entity's existence.

Covenant on ancillary activities; greater clarity desired

July 18, 2023|

Since August 1 of this year, the law (Section 7:653a of the Civil Code) has provided that the employment contract may no longer contain a prohibition on ancillary activities ("ancillary activities clause") unless there is an "objective reason for doing so. This means work in addition to the current position with the employer. This may also include work that the employee performs independently.

Suspension and annulment of non-competition and non-solicitation clause: the balancing of interests

June 20, 2023|

A non-competition clause can be challenged by employees if the clause unfairly disadvantages the employee. But how should an employer defend against this? In this article, on the basis of a concrete example, a judgment from the Amsterdam Court of Appeal, we examine in more detail the suspension (interlocutory proceedings) and nullification (proceedings on the merits) of a non-competition and non-solicitation clause and the balancing of interests that takes place.

Passenger claims 261/2004: Effect of extraordinary circumstances

June 9, 2023|

Regulation 261/2004 allows passengers to claim lump-sum compensation in case of cancellation or long delay, unless the cancellation or delay of the flight is due to extraordinary circumstances and the airline has taken all reasonable measures. But what if the extraordinary circumstance occurred on a previous flight? In this article, we look at extraordinary circumstances and reasonable measures and the effect of extraordinary circumstances on successive flights in an airline's flight operations.

Dismissal during illness versus dismissal due to illness

June 6, 2023|

The employment contract of a sick employee can (despite the prohibition on giving notice during illness) be dissolved by the subdistrict court. That is, if (a) there is a legal ground for dismissal (for example, a disturbed working relationship or dysfunction) and (b) the request for dissolution is not related to the illness.

How does rent protection work for tenants of medium business space when terminating the lease?

May 23, 2023|

There are two different lease regimes for the lease of business space: lease for medium business space, such as stores and catering establishments (7:290 business space) and other business space (7:230a business space). This article discusses rent protection for tenants of middle business space, such as stores, catering and crafts (7:290 business space) .


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