


Of course you like to keep your employees within your company, but sometimes it can be good or even necessary to say goodbye to each other. In that case it is wise to make use of an employment lawyer. The employment lawyers of LVH Advocaten can assist you in all aspects of dismissing employees.

Industrial dispute or reorganisation?

If, for example, there is a difference of opinion or an industrial dispute, this usually leads to tensions and irritations and you want to quickly realize the dismissal of the employee, in order to restore peace in your company.

In the event of job losses, you want to switch quickly in order to save costs, remain competitive and ensure continuity. In this way you go from a financially insecure to a cost efficient and competitive situation.

No negative energy but a smooth and professional settlement

A long-term dismissal situation costs negative energy and (if only) that is why a dismissal must be handled smoothly and professionally. The quickest way to bring about a termination of employment is by making an arrangement in mutual consultation with the employee. This often succeeds, sometimes not. In the latter case, a dismissal procedure must be conducted at the UWV or at the subdistrict court.

Whichever option is chosen, all relevant facts and circumstances must first be brought to light and then a course of action must be set with conviction aimed at a smooth and professional settlement. An employment lawyer from LVH Advocaten can assist you in determining this course of action for an optimal result.

Resignation by the employee

Of course, it may also be the case that an employee himself resigns by terminating the employment contract. This raises questions about the applicability of competition and relationship clauses and intellectual property issues. Clear agreements on these matters are important to protect your business flow. Our employment lawyers specialise in dismissal law and can determine important points of attention in this respect and organise the appropriate protection for you.

The employment lawyers at LVH Advocaten in Rotterdam specialise in dismissal law and are happy to assist you in all aspects that your company is faced with when dismissing an employee.

More about employees:

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