


A reorganisation means that major changes have to be made within a company. This may be the case, for example, due to technological developments or deteriorating economic conditions. In addition, an organisational change, for example as a result of a takeover or merger, may give rise to a reorganisation. Our Employment Law specialists can assist you with all changes that need to be implemented within your company as part of the reorganisation.

To a large extent, an employer has the freedom to organise the company as he sees fit. However, a reorganisation can have far-reaching consequences for the employees involved. If jobs are lost as a result of the reorganisation, this will lead to the redeployment or dismissal of employees. It is often not immediately clear whose job will be lost. In order to determine this, a number of rules apply. In addition to a thorough knowledge of these rules, effective application of these rules also requires good preparation and the necessary creativity.

Do you need support in a reorganisation? Please contact one of our Employment Lawyers.

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