Automotive lawyers2021-12-17T17:13:58+00:00

Automotive lawyers

For the lawyers of Leeman Verheijden Huntjens Advocaten, the automotive sector has been familiar territory for many years now. It is a dynamic sector, where developments follow each other in rapid succession. Our team closely follows developments, trends and innovations. Our clients appreciate a sparring partner who knows what goes on in their markets.

Consultancy in the automotive sector covers a wide area and demands teamwork from our specialists. There are for instance many issues in the fields of competition rules, takeovers and joint ventures. In addition to operational matters such as contracts and disputes with suppliers and buyers, we also assist you in the case of reorganisation, financing and refinancing, (strategic) joint ventures and entering new markets, but also with collection cases and redundancies.

If there is a conflict, we always look for a fast and constructive solution. Being able to switch fast can often prevent the parties from getting bogged down in lengthy legal proceedings. The latter is not preferred, but if legal proceedings contribute to the best result for our clients, we will of course not shy away from them.

We support suppliers of the car industry, as well as manufacturers, car and truck dealers and lease companies.

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