Port & Trade Maritime Lawyers
Among other things, the lawyers of Leeman Verheijden Huntjens Advocaten assist clients with the conclusion of international commercial contracts and the realisation thereof. In addition to advice, we do of course also offer assistance in the event of contract disputes. Examples include quick attachment, preliminary relief proceedings, legal proceedings or international arbitration.
Commercial cases with international aspects are among the most complex cases brought before the court. And we know how to do it. Our lawyers have a name to uphold. With more than 25 years of experience in the field of international commercial law, a growing number of clients contact us with complex international matters in the field of documentary payments or the settlement of security rights.
Banks too rely on our lawyers with their sector-specific knowledge of the port and trade.
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More about Port & Trade Maritime Lawyers
Airline liability
What if a passenger suffers bodily injury? Liability in international air transport is regulated in particular by the Montreal Convention (hereinafter: the Convention). The Convention provides rules for European member states on when and for what type of damage airlines are liable. In doing so, the Convention covers both freight and passenger transport and distinguishes between different types of damage.
The future labour market
Minister Van Gennip (Social Affairs and Employment) sent a package of labour market measures to the Lower House on 3 April (Kamerbrief over voortgang uitwerking arbeidsmarktpakket | Kamerstuk | Rijksoverheid.nl). The Minister largely follows the so-called 'Borstlap Committee' and the SER Advice and gives an advance insight into what the labour market should look like (at the latest) in 2025, according to the Cabinet.
Liability of foundation director in case of rained-out festival
A director of a foundation can also run the risk of being held personally liable. This is nothing new, but is demonstrated once again by a recent judgment of the East Brabant District Court. The director of a foundation set up to organise a festival had entered into new financial commitments a day before the start of the festival, while weather forecasts were poor.
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