Transport & Logistics Dutch Lawyers
Where else would you find a team of lawyers specialised in the legal support of players in the logistical process but in Rotterdam. Whether it concerns shipyards, airline companies, logistical service providers or storage and transshipment companies, time is often a factor in the world of logistics and the parties need to be able to switch fast. We know the market and we are familiar with your activities and the specific legal challenges involved.
Our expertise enables us to give you quick and proper advice about logistical contracts and shipbuilding contracts, but also about joint ventures and other types of collaboration. We have specialist knowledge of the law that applies to the various transportation modalities (sea, inland waterways, road, air and rail). In addition to typical maritime issues such as collisions, assistance and general average, we also have experts for the “drier” aspects of law, such as planning and zoning law. Naturally, clients also know where to find Leeman Verheijden Huntjens Advocaten for issues such as the seizure of a ship or dealing with delay claims.
Among other things, our lawyers act on behalf of airline companies, shipowners, their liability insurers, hull insurers, affreighters, carriers, logistical service providers, parties arranging carriage and shipyards.
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More about Transport & Logistics Dutch Lawyers
International trade: the CMR Convention
In international trade, it is very important that transport is also well regulated. After all, at least as important as the quality or "conformity" of the goods is that these goods arrive at their destination correctly and on time.
A wind farm kept out of the wind (disadvantage compensation)
Wind energy plays an important role in the context of energy transition. Windmills rise up both on land and at sea. The realization of windmills on land regularly encounters resistance from, for example, local residents or environmental and nature associations.
Suspension of employee; when and for how long?
Today, the summary proceedings in which Tom Egbers is demanding the lifting of his suspension by NOS after a year take place. The questions that come into play here are: when can you suspend an employee and isn't a year of suspension far too long?
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