
January 10, 2025

When are the costs of additional work to be borne by the client in the case of contract work?

2022-07-19T08:20:56+00:00July 19, 2022|enterprise and real estate, posts|

In a building contract between a contractor and a principal a contract price is usually agreed upon. It often happens that the principal wishes all kinds of changes or additions to the work during the execution. This is then extra work. But are the costs of this extra work for the account of the contractor or the principal?

Reduction of amount for which the director is liable

2022-07-04T09:57:58+00:00July 4, 2022|companies in financial distress, employees, posts|

A director is liable under article 2:248 paragraph 1 of the Dutch Civil Code (BW) to make good the deficit in the bankruptcy if the board has manifestly mismanaged its duties and it is plausible that this was a major cause of the bankruptcy. Based on paragraph 4 of this article of law, the court can mitigate the amount for which the director is liable under certain circumstances.

The wage guarantee scheme: continued payment of wages in the event of the employer’s bankruptcy

2022-06-28T07:24:52+00:00June 27, 2022|companies in financial distress, employees, posts|

The Unemployment Insurance Act includes a scheme that entitles employees to payment in the event of payment problems on the part of the employer. The regulation is also called the wage guarantee regulation. It also regulates which benefits an employee can claim in case of bankruptcy of the employer. In this article I will discuss the main provisions of the wage guarantee scheme that apply in the event of bankruptcy and I will go into a recent judgment of the Supreme Court on this subject.

Request for debt restructuring and Corona: the tax collector thinks along

2023-02-13T14:39:08+00:00May 12, 2022|companies in financial distress, enterprise and business, enterprise and government, posts|

Until further notice, the Tax Authorities will approach requests for restructuring of tax debts with a flexible attitude. This applies in particular to requests from entrepreneurs whose businesses are fundamentally sound and who have been affected by the Corona crisis. For these entrepreneurs, the generous corona deferral policy may prove to be of no avail.

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