
March 9, 2025

Prevent an earn-out from becoming a burn-out

2024-10-24T11:42:54+00:00October 24, 2024|employees, posts|

An earn-out can benefit both seller and buyer, but it also carries risks. This article shows how an earn-out arrangement can help with uncertainties surrounding a business sale, but also how it can lead to conflict if there are no clear agreements. Find out how to avoid problems and draft a well-crafted earn-out arrangement to avoid misunderstandings and achieve optimal results for both parties.

Sick employees; Reintegration second track in SMEs

2024-06-28T10:01:25+00:00June 28, 2024|employees, posts|

Suppose your employee has been sick for almost a year. He holds a defining position within your company. You therefore want to appoint a replacement, because it looks like the sick employee will not be able to return to his original position. Is this allowed?

Deficiencies in participation

2024-05-06T11:53:16+00:00May 6, 2024|employees, posts|

The Enterprise Chamber ruled in a case of a company takeover via a leveraged buyout that the management of the company had acted negligently (partly) due to defects in the co-determination process. The careless conduct was classified as mismanagement, because it violated the elementary principles of proper entrepreneurship.

Scope of collective bargaining: which collective bargaining agreement do I fall under as an employer?

2025-02-04T11:27:40+00:00March 19, 2024|employees, posts|

In a previous article, we wrote about the importance of a scope study and avoiding a financial noose. This time, it is the online supermarkets Picnic, Flink, Gorillas, Getir and Hofweb that are facing the collective bargaining agreement Food Industry. In this article, we discuss the judgment of the Central Netherlands District Court dated February 28, 2024, as well as discuss the importance of a scope study.

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