Peter de Graaf

March 10, 2025

Directors’ liability after turboliquidation

2024-10-11T13:33:29+00:00October 11, 2024|companies in financial distress, posts|

In a recent court case concerning turboliquidation of a catering business, the court ruled that the directors were not personally liable. The case involved the discontinuation of the business without assets, with creditors being paid pro rata. The landlord claimed unlawfulness, but the court held that the turboliquidation had been carried out correctly with no obligation of bankruptcy.

Bill to lift pledge bans

2024-07-22T09:52:16+00:00July 22, 2024|companies in financial distress, posts|

On June 11, 2024, the House of Representatives adopted the Bill to Remove Pledge Prohibitions. As a result of the proposed regulation, it will no longer be possible to agree that receivables cannot be transferred or pledged.  This article explains the proposed regulation.

Reopening liquidation after turboliquidation

2023-08-15T07:51:13+00:00August 15, 2023|companies in financial distress, posts|

If the business activities of a legal entity are discontinued, it must be considered how the legal entity will be wound up. If there are no more assets at all, a turboliquidation can take place. This is dissolution without the appointment of a liquidator. The legal entity then ceases to exist immediately. A resolution for dissolution is passed and the board notifies the Commercial Register of the end of the legal entity's existence.

Liability of foundation director in case of rained-out festival

2023-05-08T13:47:46+00:00April 28, 2023|companies in financial distress, conflicts, posts|

A director of a foundation can also run the risk of being held personally liable. This is nothing new, but is demonstrated once again by a recent judgment of the East Brabant District Court. The director of a foundation set up to organise a festival had entered into new financial commitments a day before the start of the festival, while weather forecasts were poor.

Land grabbing: the legal options when losing ownership of land

2023-02-13T09:45:22+00:00February 7, 2023|companies in financial distress, conflicts, posts|

There may be a dispute between neighbors about who owns a particular piece of land. Such a dispute may arise if at any time one of the neighbors places a yard fence in such a way that it takes possession of a piece of land owned by the other. The owner has the option of claiming his property (or filing a revindicatory action). However, such a claim cannot be brought after a period of time due to acquisitive prescription.

Reduction of amount for which the director is liable

2022-07-04T09:57:58+00:00July 4, 2022|companies in financial distress, employees, posts|

A director is liable under article 2:248 paragraph 1 of the Dutch Civil Code (BW) to make good the deficit in the bankruptcy if the board has manifestly mismanaged its duties and it is plausible that this was a major cause of the bankruptcy. Based on paragraph 4 of this article of law, the court can mitigate the amount for which the director is liable under certain circumstances.

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