Richard Ouwerling

January 9, 2025

Sick employees; Reintegration second track in SMEs

2024-06-28T10:01:25+00:00June 28, 2024|employees, posts|

Suppose your employee has been sick for almost a year. He holds a defining position within your company. You therefore want to appoint a replacement, because it looks like the sick employee will not be able to return to his original position. Is this allowed?

The importance of a scope review: avoid a financial noose

2024-02-12T13:35:05+00:00February 6, 2024|employees, posts|

Recently, the Hague Court of Appeal ruled that must join the industry pension fund for the travel industry. The company opposed this because it sees itself as an Internet company. The financial consequences for are huge: The parent company estimates that the ruling will lead to an additional cost of 405 million euros.

End of an addicted employee’s employment contract?

2023-09-19T10:19:19+00:00September 19, 2023|employees, posts|

Abuse of alcohol or drugs can lead to major problems in the workplace. Think of unsafe situations, dysfunction and regular and/or long-term disability. The employer sometimes wants to unilaterally terminate the employment contract in such a situation. What are the possibilities.

Covenant on ancillary activities; greater clarity desired

2023-07-18T19:32:42+00:00July 18, 2023|employees, posts|

Since August 1 of this year, the law (Section 7:653a of the Civil Code) has provided that the employment contract may no longer contain a prohibition on ancillary activities ("ancillary activities clause") unless there is an "objective reason for doing so. This means work in addition to the current position with the employer. This may also include work that the employee performs independently.

The future labour market

2023-05-01T08:31:59+00:00April 28, 2023|employees, posts|

Minister Van Gennip (Social Affairs and Employment) sent a package of labour market measures to the Lower House on 3 April (Kamerbrief over voortgang uitwerking arbeidsmarktpakket | Kamerstuk | The Minister largely follows the so-called 'Borstlap Committee' and the SER Advice and gives an advance insight into what the labour market should look like (at the latest) in 2025, according to the Cabinet.

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