Absenteeism due to illness2022-06-23T10:11:56+00:00


Absenteeism due to illness

When an employee calls in sick, you as an entrepreneur must be alert and show an active attitude. Does the employee need support? Is it short-term or long-term absenteeism? And how is reintegration handled? Perhaps outside your own company? The employment law specialists at LVH Advocaten will be happy to answer these kinds of questions.

Absenteeism policy

Every entrepreneur strives for sustainable employability of his employees and wants a vital team and low absenteeism, but not every entrepreneur knows how to achieve this optimally. The employment law specialists at LVH Advocaten know that achieving low absenteeism starts with developing and implementing a good absenteeism policy. We are also happy to help you with this.


Is your employee on long-term sick leave? If so, you would do well to take action as soon as possible by starting with reintegration. You can start with this by calling in a company doctor/artists service. Together with the employee and, for example, the company doctor, you can determine what the employee can and cannot do during absenteeism.

Labour conflict and illness

Illness can also be accompanied by an industrial dispute. For example, an employee reports sick because of a conflict situation at work while there is no work disability. Or the employee has become ill as a result of the industrial dispute (burn-out). In these situations it is important that you take timely action. A lawyer can give you good advice on how to manage the case.

Do you have questions or would you like to know more about what we can do for you? If so, please contact one of the employment law specialists at LVH Advocaten.

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