Scope survey collective bargaining agreement or pension plan2024-03-19T13:32:54+00:00


Scope survey collective bargaining agreement or pension plan

Your company may be subject to a collective agreement or pension scheme to which you have not opted (“scope”), and which you may not even be aware of. A scope survey by LVH Advocaten will give you a high degree of certainty as to whether you are bound by your current or another collective bargaining agreement (or pension fund).

What does a scope investigation involve?

Among other things, an investigation is conducted into the company description from the extract of your company at the Chamber of Commerce. Also the actual work that the employees perform for your company, the pay slips, corporate communications, as well as the declaration of universal applicability of one or more collective labor agreements to which your business activities could be subject.
Operating provisions are sometimes difficult to fathom. Therefore, whether a particular collective bargaining agreement (or pension plan) applies to your activities is not always easy to answer. This frequently leads to legal proceedings, where the financial stakes are often high. You can avoid discussions with employees or industry pension funds and possible damages by means of an scope investigation.

The costs of an scope investigation

LVH Advocaten can perform such a scope survey for your organization for a fixed fee. After the intake and receipt of the documents to be requested, our lawyers will provide a quotation.
If you would like more information about the possibilities of a scope investigation, please contact our employment lawyers Richard Ouwerling or Lisa Kloot.


These are our lawyers who specialize in this area.

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