companies in financial distress

March 9, 2025

New regulation VAT supplements applicable as of January 1, 2025

2025-03-07T13:11:14+00:00January 24, 2025|companies in financial distress, posts|

From January 1, 2025, a new obligation will apply with regard to VAT supplementations: if it is found that too little VAT has been declared and paid, this must be corrected within eight weeks by submitting a VAT supplementation to the Tax Authorities. This significantly tightens the replenishment deadline, or at least there is less room for ambiguity. Failure to comply with the replenishment obligation may result in the imposition of fines. In the case of intent or gross negligence, there may even be a fine of up to 100%.

Breakthrough; corporate tax interest is unreasonably high, here’s what you can do.

2025-01-09T15:23:33+00:00January 9, 2025|companies in financial distress, posts|

On 7 November 2024, the North Netherlands Court ruled that a tax interest rate of 8 per cent on a 2021 assessment is not reasonable. This landmark ruling opens up new opportunities for taxpayers who have faced high corporate tax interest rates. What does this ruling mean specifically for you, and what steps can you take now?

Action on taxation in box 3

2024-11-12T11:04:54+00:00November 12, 2024|companies in financial distress, posts|

As we all know, there has been a lot of recent movement on box 3 taxation. Box 3 primarily taxes savings, investments and real estate. The assets in this box were previously taxed on the basis of a flat rate of return: the tax authorities set an assumed percentage, regardless of the actual return. This meant that many taxpayers paid taxes on a return they had not actually received. You may also have overpaid taxes in the past. If so, chances are you may be eligible for legal redress!

Directors’ liability after turboliquidation

2024-10-11T13:33:29+00:00October 11, 2024|companies in financial distress, posts|

In a recent court case concerning turboliquidation of a catering business, the court ruled that the directors were not personally liable. The case involved the discontinuation of the business without assets, with creditors being paid pro rata. The landlord claimed unlawfulness, but the court held that the turboliquidation had been carried out correctly with no obligation of bankruptcy.

Bill to lift pledge bans

2024-07-22T09:52:16+00:00July 22, 2024|companies in financial distress, posts|

On June 11, 2024, the House of Representatives adopted the Bill to Remove Pledge Prohibitions. As a result of the proposed regulation, it will no longer be possible to agree that receivables cannot be transferred or pledged.  This article explains the proposed regulation.

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