specialist areas

September 16, 2020

Covenant on ancillary activities; greater clarity desired

2023-07-18T19:32:42+00:00July 18, 2023|employees, posts|

Since August 1 of this year, the law (Section 7:653a of the Civil Code) has provided that the employment contract may no longer contain a prohibition on ancillary activities ("ancillary activities clause") unless there is an "objective reason for doing so. This means work in addition to the current position with the employer. This may also include work that the employee performs independently.

Suspension and annulment of non-competition and non-solicitation clause: the balancing of interests

2025-02-04T13:07:12+00:00June 20, 2023|employees, posts|

A non-competition clause can be challenged by employees if the clause unfairly disadvantages the employee. But how should an employer defend against this? In this article, on the basis of a concrete example, a judgment from the Amsterdam Court of Appeal, we examine in more detail the suspension (interlocutory proceedings) and nullification (proceedings on the merits) of a non-competition and non-solicitation clause and the balancing of interests that takes place.

Dismissal during illness versus dismissal due to illness

2023-06-06T12:38:48+00:00June 6, 2023|employees, posts|

The employment contract of a sick employee can (despite the prohibition on giving notice during illness) be dissolved by the subdistrict court. That is, if (a) there is a legal ground for dismissal (for example, a disturbed working relationship or dysfunction) and (b) the request for dissolution is not related to the illness.

How does rent protection work for tenants of medium business space when terminating the lease?

2023-05-23T09:59:39+00:00May 23, 2023|commercial property and investment, enterprise and real estate, posts, specialist areas|

There are two different lease regimes for the lease of business space: lease for medium business space, such as stores and catering establishments (7:290 business space) and other business space (7:230a business space). This article discusses rent protection for tenants of middle business space, such as stores, catering and crafts (7:290 business space) .

The future labour market

2023-05-01T08:31:59+00:00April 28, 2023|employees, posts|

Minister Van Gennip (Social Affairs and Employment) sent a package of labour market measures to the Lower House on 3 April (Kamerbrief over voortgang uitwerking arbeidsmarktpakket | Kamerstuk | Rijksoverheid.nl). The Minister largely follows the so-called 'Borstlap Committee' and the SER Advice and gives an advance insight into what the labour market should look like (at the latest) in 2025, according to the Cabinet.

New ROZ model Huurvereenkomst Winkelruimte en andere bedrijfsruimte in de zin van Artikel 7:290 BW (Dutch Civil Code): the changes and focal points in outline

2023-02-21T15:56:49+00:00February 21, 2023|enterprise and real estate, posts, specialist areas|

In December 2022, the Real Estate Council ("ROZ") adopted a new model for the lease of retail space. This article first discusses the use of the ROZ model Huurvereenkomst Winkelruimte. Then some changes and additions compared to the ROZ model retail space from 2012 are mentioned and then explained. Finally, a number of points of interest follow.

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