Peter de Graaf

March 10, 2025

Court of Appeal rules that ‘pre-pack is a transfer of a company’

2017-07-27T10:18:39+00:00July 27, 2017|news, posts|

In case of a pre-pack, also called a pre-packaged insolvency, an intended receiver is working on a relaunch some time prior to the declaration of the bankruptcy, so a relaunch may be realised shortly after the declaration of the bankruptcy, possibly even the same day. The aim of the pre-pack is continuation of the company with the highest possible yield.

The restart

2015-12-21T16:42:32+00:00December 21, 2015|news, posts|

The term ‘restart’ is frequently used on the news when a large company has gone into liquidation. A recent example thereof is Imtech. But what exactly is a restart?

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