
March 10, 2025

When can a buyer of a property address the seller for a hidden defect?

2019-09-10T12:23:28+00:00September 10, 2019|commercial property and investment, enterprise and real estate, news, posts, specialist areas|

When you buy an (old) house, you buy it in the condition it is then in. This means including all visible and invisible defects. If it turns out that there is a defect after the purchase, this is in principle at the buyer's risk. This sounds logical. Nevertheless, there are conceivable situations in which the buyer can hold the seller liable for the costs of repairing the defect. In this article I explain when this can be the case.

Reimbursement of extrajudicial costs: what is possible?

2022-08-22T08:08:39+00:00May 17, 2019|news, posts|

What are extrajudicial costs and what costs can you recover from a business partner? These 2 questions are in fact addressed in every case where I assist a client who wants to recover a claim. In most cases we first look at whether a case can be solved out of court. In this process - before we go to court - the so-called extrajudicial costs are incurred for, among other things, writing to and consultation with the other party or his lawyer.

The shareholders’ agreement: some practical tips

2019-04-26T15:12:40+00:00April 26, 2019|news, posts|

Whether it is a startup or a company that has been around for a long time, it is important that shareholders make good agreements. By recording the agreements, shareholders gain certainty about where they stand with regard to their fellow shareholders.

Court of Appeal rules that ‘pre-pack is a transfer of a company’

2017-07-27T10:18:39+00:00July 27, 2017|news, posts|

In case of a pre-pack, also called a pre-packaged insolvency, an intended receiver is working on a relaunch some time prior to the declaration of the bankruptcy, so a relaunch may be realised shortly after the declaration of the bankruptcy, possibly even the same day. The aim of the pre-pack is continuation of the company with the highest possible yield.

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