The Enhancement Position of Receivers Act has entered into force
On 1 July 2017, the Enhancement Position of Receivers Act (Wet versterking positie curator) entered into force.
On 1 July 2017, the Enhancement Position of Receivers Act (Wet versterking positie curator) entered into force.
In the case between the Works Council and the receiver of the chain of chemist's shops DA, the Netherlands Supreme Court issued a judgement on 2 June 2017, in which in summary it ruled that the right to prior consultation of the Works Council, as incorporated in Article 25 of the Works Council Act (WOR) in principle also applies to the event in which a company has been declared bankrupt.
The law provides a rule for answering this question, but the lease agreement may include different agreements. In practice that happens, but these agreements are often unclear or undated, creating opportunities and threats.
On 23 May 2017, the The Hague Court of Appeal gave a judgment in respect of a bank's duty of care regarding an ex-franchisee. In short, the Court of Appeal is of the opinion that it was not established that the bank neglected its duty of care by not warning the franchisee about the poor financial position of the franchiser.
I have written about the Netherlands Franchise Code (NFC) before and explained its contents. In that context, I noted briefly that Minister Kamp sent a white paper for the Franchise Act to the Dutch House of Representatives. The white paper concerns special regulations for a franchise agreement and is open for consultation up to 25 May 2017, inviting stakeholders and interested parties to express their opinion.
On 12 April 2017, the outgoing Minister of Economic Affairs published a bill which legally embeds the NFC. It is possible to respond to the bill until 25 May 2017. By legally embedding the NFC, the Minister wants to strengthen the position of franchisees and bring more balance to the interests of franchisees and franchisors.
A franchisee has successfully brought interlocutory proceedings against his franchisor Bruna. The court in interlocutory proceedings has judged as a preliminary measure that Bruna has to honour the franchise and (sub)lease agreement it terminated.
Wij zijn een Rotterdams advocatenkantoor dat zich richt op juridische dienstverlening aan bedrijven. Onze advocaten hebben door kennis van de diverse branches een grotere voorsprong.
We read about it in the news so often: accidents - fatal or otherwise - with self-driving cars. One of the questions that arise is: who is liable for such accidents? This is a phenomenon not (yet) provided for by current legislation.
New legislation traditionally comes into effect at the start of the year. With effect from 1 January 2017, this is the case in the property world in respect of, among other things, the term ‘building site’ pursuant to the Turnover Tax Act 1968 [Wet op de omzetbelasting 1968].