Rob Steenhoek

March 9, 2025

Temporary law on transparency turboliquidation

2024-03-12T08:48:32+00:00February 19, 2024|enterprise and real estate, news, posts, specialist areas|

The Temporary Act on Transparency Turboliquidation came into force on 15 November 2023. The consequences of this law and the additional conditions that must be met have been written about before (see, for example, the article from 22 March 2023). Despite the increased requirements, turbo liquidation is still a good tool for winding up companies with no operations and assets after 15 November 2023.

Termination of banking relationship by bank

2023-11-20T10:03:24+00:00September 6, 2022|companies in financial distress, posts|

It is increasingly common for banks to terminate a relationship with a customer - sometimes dating back many years. Such termination of a banking relationship can have serious consequences for a business owner. Can a bank terminate a credit relationship? When is it allowed and when is it not? Below is a brief explanation of the background to such termination and the rights and obligations of banks and account holders.

Request for debt restructuring and Corona: the tax collector thinks along

2023-02-13T14:39:08+00:00May 12, 2022|companies in financial distress, enterprise and business, enterprise and government, posts|

Until further notice, the Tax Authorities will approach requests for restructuring of tax debts with a flexible attitude. This applies in particular to requests from entrepreneurs whose businesses are fundamentally sound and who have been affected by the Corona crisis. For these entrepreneurs, the generous corona deferral policy may prove to be of no avail.


2022-09-06T12:10:22+00:00August 16, 2021|news, posts|

The government expects that as a result of covid-19, a significant number of entrepreneurs will want to end their business in the short term using the turbo liquidation. The government fears abuse and has drafted a proposal to protect the position of creditors and to increase transparency on this scheme. This proposal has been submitted for consultation.

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