
March 7, 2025

My debtor won’t pay

2024-09-25T12:40:48+00:00September 25, 2024|conflicts, posts|

Being right and being right are two different things, it is sometimes said. This is not entirely true, but it indicates that a court ruling is far from always considered satisfactory.

Liability of foundation director in case of rained-out festival

2023-05-08T13:47:46+00:00April 28, 2023|companies in financial distress, conflicts, posts|

A director of a foundation can also run the risk of being held personally liable. This is nothing new, but is demonstrated once again by a recent judgment of the East Brabant District Court. The director of a foundation set up to organise a festival had entered into new financial commitments a day before the start of the festival, while weather forecasts were poor.

Land grabbing: the legal options when losing ownership of land

2023-02-13T09:45:22+00:00February 7, 2023|companies in financial distress, conflicts, posts|

There may be a dispute between neighbors about who owns a particular piece of land. Such a dispute may arise if at any time one of the neighbors places a yard fence in such a way that it takes possession of a piece of land owned by the other. The owner has the option of claiming his property (or filing a revindicatory action). However, such a claim cannot be brought after a period of time due to acquisitive prescription.

Hidden defects: what to look out for?

2023-02-13T14:37:02+00:00December 19, 2022|conflicts, enterprise and business, posts|

It happens to almost everyone; you buy a product, car, house, machine, boat or appliance where at first glance nothing seems wrong, but later it turns out that there is a 'hidden defect' to the purchased product. The question is then who is liable. In this article I give examples of hidden defects, explain what the obligations of the buyer and seller are and what one should pay attention to.

The summary proceedings in brief

2023-02-13T14:37:10+00:00October 3, 2022|conflicts, enterprise and business, posts|

In my previous article, "Receiving a Subpoena? Five points of interest' I discussed five points of interest for studying a subpoena. Among other things, I mentioned that one can be summoned in summary proceedings. In this article, I will take a closer look at "summary proceedings," also known as "emergency proceedings.

Received a subpoena? Five points of attention

2023-02-13T14:37:19+00:00August 23, 2022|conflicts, enterprise and business, posts|

Have you received a subpoena from the bailiff and are you wondering what to pay attention to when studying the subpoena? In this article, we will give you five tips for studying a summons. You can infer a lot from a summons, such as by what date you must respond to the summons, what happens if you don't respond, and whether or not you are required to be assisted by a lawyer.

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