
March 10, 2025

Consequences of Brexit for aviation: a brief overview

2022-08-22T07:58:16+00:00February 8, 2021|aviation and law, international, news, posts|

This article briefly discusses the consequences of Brexit for the aviation industry. On January 31, 2020, the United Kingdom officially left the European Union (EU). From that moment, a transition period started during which the United Kingdom continued to apply European law. In the meantime, negotiations for a Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TDA) took place.

Right to compensation Regulation 261/2004 in case of multiple flight delay circumstances?

2023-03-20T09:15:38+00:00January 19, 2021|aviation and law, international, news, posts|

Airlines are subjected daily to various circumstances that may lead to a delay or cancellation of the scheduled flight. However, such disruption does not always lead to the obligation to pay compensation to passengers. In case of extraordinary circumstances that could not have been avoided even by taking all reasonable measures, no compensation is due.

Liability for damage to an aircraft

2023-02-13T14:34:29+00:00January 4, 2021|aviation and law, enterprise and business, international, news, posts, specialist areas|

When transporting cargo or passengers, airlines are faced with several conditions that can cause damage to their aircraft. This damage occurs in most cases when the aircraft is still on the ground. When parked, leaving the gate or taxiing to the runway. But who is liable for this damage and what does an airline have to pay for itself?

Practical legal tips on the applicability of General Terms and Conditions of Trade

2023-02-13T14:34:43+00:00July 6, 2020|enterprise and business, international, news, posts, specialist areas|

Are you sometimes confronted with the situation where your business enterprise has contracted with another business and your business enterprise has sent an offer to the other party you’re your General Terms and Conditions and the other party has accepted your order by return stating that that their General Terms and Conditions apply? The question is which General Terms and Conditions apply here. This is what is called a “battle of forms”.

Pratical Legal Corona Tips: How can your business enterprise conduct its formal meetings that require physical presence by law or deed?

2020-04-21T10:48:19+00:00April 21, 2020|international, international, news, posts|

Under the Dutch Civil Code (DCC), there are many requirements on how to convene certain general meetings of business enterprises. The one that causes the biggest obstacle is the fact that the DCC requires in some instances that such general meetings require the physical presence of the parties concerned. And this may not be possible or practicable during the period of the “intelligent” lock-down imposed by the Dutch Government.

Support agreement for and by the Dutch retail sector on rental obligations during the corona crisis

2020-04-16T16:32:46+00:00April 16, 2020|commercial property and investment, enterprise and real estate, international, international, news, posts, specialist areas|

On Friday 10 April, an agreement was reached between the property and retail sectors on rent suspension for retailers due to the consequences of the corona crisis. Parties involved are IVBN, INretail, Vastgoed Belang, Detailhandel Nederland, EZK, NVB and VGO. The starting point is that the financial pain resulting from the corona crisis must be shared between retailers (and their shareholders), landlords, banks and the government. The support agreement provides guidelines for the short and long term.

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