David Harreman

January 8, 2025

Action on taxation in box 3

2024-11-12T11:04:54+00:00November 12, 2024|companies in financial distress, posts|

As we all know, there has been a lot of recent movement on box 3 taxation. Box 3 primarily taxes savings, investments and real estate. The assets in this box were previously taxed on the basis of a flat rate of return: the tax authorities set an assumed percentage, regardless of the actual return. This meant that many taxpayers paid taxes on a return they had not actually received. You may also have overpaid taxes in the past. If so, chances are you may be eligible for legal redress!

Request for debt restructuring and Corona: the tax collector thinks along

2023-02-13T14:39:08+00:00May 12, 2022|companies in financial distress, enterprise and business, enterprise and government, posts|

Until further notice, the Tax Authorities will approach requests for restructuring of tax debts with a flexible attitude. This applies in particular to requests from entrepreneurs whose businesses are fundamentally sound and who have been affected by the Corona crisis. For these entrepreneurs, the generous corona deferral policy may prove to be of no avail.

Fiscal support measures during Corona crisis

2023-02-13T14:40:06+00:00March 18, 2020|companies in financial distress, enterprise and business, enterprise and government, international, news, posts, specialist areas|

On the 17th March 2020, the Cabinet announced a large number of measures. These measures are aimed at supporting companies and freelancers. The measures include measures to maintain employment on the one hand and measures to ensure that companies do not go bankrupt and that self-employed people can maintain an income on the other hand.

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