Peter de Graaf

March 10, 2025

The wage guarantee scheme: continued payment of wages in the event of the employer’s bankruptcy

2022-06-28T07:24:52+00:00June 27, 2022|companies in financial distress, employees, posts|

The Unemployment Insurance Act includes a scheme that entitles employees to payment in the event of payment problems on the part of the employer. The regulation is also called the wage guarantee regulation. It also regulates which benefits an employee can claim in case of bankruptcy of the employer. In this article I will discuss the main provisions of the wage guarantee scheme that apply in the event of bankruptcy and I will go into a recent judgment of the Supreme Court on this subject.

The position of the SME entrepreneur as a creditor in a WHOA arrangement

2022-02-22T08:41:47+00:00February 17, 2022|posts|

On 1 January 2021, the Homologation Underhand Arrangement Act (WHOA) entered into force. This law introduced a new restructuring instrument. Its purpose is to prevent companies from being declared bankrupt while they are still (partially) viable. The statutory scheme includes a minimum protection for (smaller) SMEs. This is also referred to as the 20% rule. In this article I will explain the position of the SME as a creditor in a WHOA settlement.

Can a cash payment made after the bankruptcy date be reclaimed?

2022-02-22T08:53:45+00:00February 17, 2022|companies in financial distress, employees, news, posts|

Recently, the Supreme Court issued an interesting judgment involving two important principles of bankruptcy law, namely the principle of fixation and the principle of paritas creditorum. The case concerned a situation in which, after the bankruptcy date, a cash payment was made from the bankrupt's bank account to a creditor. The central question was whether the trustee could recover the payment from the creditor. This article discusses the case, the relevant principles and the Supreme Court's opinion.

Rejection of homologation request WHOA agreement

2022-02-01T15:05:46+00:00February 1, 2022|companies in financial distress, posts|

The Homologation Underhand Arrangement Act (WHOA) went into effect on January 1, 2021. In the meantime, a substantial number of rulings have been issued on it. It remains to be seen how practice will develop and whether it can be said whether the introduction of the Act has been a success. To date, the number of (published) granted homologation requests is still relatively small. 

Bill on Homologation Private Placement Significant change in insolvency law is imminent

2023-02-13T14:35:33+00:00November 14, 2019|companies in financial distress, enterprise and business, news, posts, specialist areas|

A very important change in insolvency law is imminent. This change concerns the possibility of a debtor's offering a composition to creditors. In the current situation, there is only an arrangement for the compulsory imposition by the court of an arrangement with creditors in suspension of payments or bankruptcy. In the Bill on the Homologation of Private Agreements (WHOA), the possibility has been included that a compulsory composition without a moratorium or bankruptcy can be concluded. This will drastically change the possibilities for resolving problematic debts. This change is important for debtors, but also for their providers of capital, such as creditors and shareholders.

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