enterprise and business

March 10, 2025

The importance of the notice of default

2023-08-29T15:28:41+00:00August 29, 2023|enterprise and business, posts|

Almost every entrepreneur has to deal with it at some point; a counterparty who does not fulfill his/her agreements. In this article Gentia Niesert, attorney at contract law, explains how you can act towards your counterparty in such a situation and what the importance of a notice of default can be.

Uncertainty about shareholder vote: is AGM resolution voidable?

2023-02-20T09:57:07+00:00February 14, 2023|enterprise and business, posts, specialist areas|

This article deals with the legal validity of decision-making in the private limited liability company. A private limited liability company has several organs. The division of powers is determined by law, articles of association, regulations and resolutions. Within the organs, agreements can be made on how decisions should be made. For example, in a shareholder agreement or voting agreement.

Stalemate between directors who are also shareholders: what to do?

2023-02-14T10:55:28+00:00February 14, 2023|enterprise and business, posts, specialist areas|

The parties want to part ways, but at the right price. Meanwhile, the business must be continued without loss of value. The parties want to part ways in a normal way by avoiding escalation, but are still forced to hire a lawyer. What to do in a deadlock between directors who are also shareholders? Corporate lawyer Justin de Vries tells you more.

Hidden defects: what to look out for?

2023-02-13T14:37:02+00:00December 19, 2022|conflicts, enterprise and business, posts|

It happens to almost everyone; you buy a product, car, house, machine, boat or appliance where at first glance nothing seems wrong, but later it turns out that there is a 'hidden defect' to the purchased product. The question is then who is liable. In this article I give examples of hidden defects, explain what the obligations of the buyer and seller are and what one should pay attention to.

The summary proceedings in brief

2023-02-13T14:37:10+00:00October 3, 2022|conflicts, enterprise and business, posts|

In my previous article, "Receiving a Subpoena? Five points of interest' I discussed five points of interest for studying a subpoena. Among other things, I mentioned that one can be summoned in summary proceedings. In this article, I will take a closer look at "summary proceedings," also known as "emergency proceedings.

Received a subpoena? Five points of attention

2023-02-13T14:37:19+00:00August 23, 2022|conflicts, enterprise and business, posts|

Have you received a subpoena from the bailiff and are you wondering what to pay attention to when studying the subpoena? In this article, we will give you five tips for studying a summons. You can infer a lot from a summons, such as by what date you must respond to the summons, what happens if you don't respond, and whether or not you are required to be assisted by a lawyer.

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